
...about another book signing.

Our local Barnes & Noble Booksellers store hosted a Local Author Reception/book signing on Saturday, October 30th.

Quite a few authors participated, and so we had scheduled times...mine, along with several other authors, was from 1 to 2:30 pm. I usually team up with a writer friend for signings, but this was the first time I'd met most of the other authors who shared the assigned time.

We had a great time getting acquainted and I learned some interesting things. I just wish I’d had a pile of money so I could have bought a book from each author...there were some very interesting-looking books available.

And now, my focus is changing from the books I’ve already written to the book that is waiting in the shadows, waiting for me to write it.

Tomorrow, NaNoWriMo begins. I have a title tentatively picked out, a character name, and some writing music (Theme from Route 66, can you believe). So, I’m forgetting about the books and characters I’m already acquainted with and turning my attention to....possibilities....

Photos by Connie Ward copyright 2010