
...about spring.

Finally! At times over the past few months, it seemed as if spring would never arrive. But at last, here it is, accompanied by brilliant blue skies, greening vegetation, warmer temps and the occasional thunderstorm. As glad as I am to welcome spring, it’s not my favorite season. That place in my seasonal esteem is claimed by autumn. But this year, spring is especially welcome.

Why? Because the winter just past coincided with a chilling aspect in my personal life: my husband had open heart surgery in December. It was a stressful, worrisome time...but prayer and reliance on God carried me through it.

And now, with his increasing recovery and reclaiming his strength, not only is the weather delightful--beautiful and warm--but so is the outlook for my husband’s health.

Praise God! He is so wonderful!

photo via stockxchange copyright Nick Pye


Pegg Thomas said...

I'm glad your hubby is doing better. Scary stuff indeed.

We're losing our snow now, just the drifts and piles remain. I'm not lulled into any type of security of spring, however. We generally get at least one good snow producer in early April.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was a scary time.

I understand about being skeptical that spring has finally pushed winter aside. The old timers around these parts say "Never set out your tomato plants until after Good Friday...there's always the chance of a killing frost until then."

But I hope your promise of spring will soon be fulfilled...snow blooming...sun lying warm on your shoulders.

Connie Chastain said...

Glad my budder-in-law is doing so well. And you too! Happy Spring!

Now get to writing.

Cecilia Marie Pulliam said...

Wonderful news, Tommie! Very glad your husband is improving.

I see some signs of spring as well. This morning, although it was still dark, I heard song birds in the trees, chorus of birds. Every day the buds on the trees show more color, cause for one to hope.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lil Sis! And I'm glad you're doing well, too!

But...about that writing thing.....

Anonymous said...

Great, Cecilia! Those signs of spring are particularly welcome after our hard winter.

Pegg Thomas said...

Good Friday?! We don't set out tomatoes until after Memorial Day up here!

Anonymous said...

My! What a difference 1,000 miles (give or take) makes! Around these parts, we're usually harvesting tomatoes around the end of May/first of June....