
...about writing prompts.

They look innocuous. They can seem somewhat flaky when taken at face value.

But they can be powerful.

I'm speaking of writing prompts, of course, those little spurs to creativity, those little words which get your story-ball rolling.

I've been so involved over the last few months in editing, rewriting and rewriting, in putting together pitches, in crafting what I hoped would be knockout query letters and synopses, that I'd forgotten what my primary desire and mission is: to write fiction.

So, I started last night, with the help of a couple of writing prompts, to loosen up those rusty writing muscles, to warm them up, to flex them and strengthen them in preparation for my personal NaNo in May. And while the results are not perfect, I've made a respectable start with my first two pieces.

It's time to drag out the old thesaurus, make a pot of coffee and put on the earphones.

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